SPRING IS HERE! SIMPLE, EASY, EFFECTIVE Varicose & spider vein treatments For both Men and Women. TRUST AN EXPERT! Painless Procedures | No Down-Time Most Insurances Accepted FREE VEIN SCREENINGS Call Today! 815-254-8888 Eterna MedSpa & Laser Vein Center Herald New Reader 2023 Choke Awards New! IMode laser- treats deep lines, wrinkles, acne scaring and elasticity with the Morpheus8 laser. As well as Laser Hair Removal, Lumecca for brown spots and small broken capillaries. 217 Vertin Blvd. Shorewood, IL 60404 815-254-8888 www.eternalaser.com SPRING IS HERE ! SIMPLE , EASY , EFFECTIVE Varicose & spider vein treatments For both Men and Women . TRUST AN EXPERT ! Painless Procedures | No Down - Time Most Insurances Accepted FREE VEIN SCREENINGS Call Today ! 815-254-8888 Eterna MedSpa & Laser Vein Center Herald New Reader 2023 Choke Awards New ! IMode laser- treats deep lines , wrinkles , acne scaring and elasticity with the Morpheus8 laser . As well as Laser Hair Removal , Lumecca for brown spots and small broken capillaries . 217 Vertin Blvd. Shorewood , IL 60404 815-254-8888 www.eternalaser.com